Next Generation EPR
A modern, UK-built EPR that's trusted and loved by some of the largest NHS hospitals.
The time for compromise is over
Find out about Nervecentre’s latest innovations and next generation EPR progression.
An exemplar EPR deployment case study
Read how Bedfordshire Hospitals successfully deployed their EPR using a fast-paced phased approach
Reverse bed chains transform flow in Nottingham’s hospitals
How Nottingham University Hospitals is transforming flow through its emergency pathways thanks to reverse bed chains.
EPR as a service
An overview of the levels of Nervecentre architecture used to deliver the full SaaS Service.
Joining the conversation about EPR usability
Paul Volkaerts explains why EPR usability is about much more than system implementation and training.
2020 Vision: mobility and visibility in the journey to a paperless hospital
Read the report on safer patient flow at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust