Training Videos
Version 5
22nd August 2018
Version 5 Early Adopter Program Webinar
Watch this webinar recording, originally streamed live to customers on the Early Adopter program, for a walkthrough of the Release Notes with live demonstrations of significant changes and features.
Version 4
5th August 2017
Patient Flow Walkthrough
This 20 minute video walks through the Patient Flow feature that was introduced in Nervecentre version 4.2. Patient Flow gives a live dashboard of patient locations and bed occupancy across a department or hospital. It uses live data from the system to draw a real time flow diagram.
4th December 2017
Bed Management Walkthrough
Demonstration of the Nervecentre Bed Management feature introduced in version 4.3. Bed Management enables effective and timely flow of movement of patients and beds around a hospital with total visibility.