Digital Health Rewired 25: The Power of Collaborative Transformation

Paul Volkaerts speaking at Rewired 25

Collaborative digital transformation was a running theme at Digital Health Rewired 25. Several conference sessions focused on NHS providers collaborating on their digital strategies.

We enjoyed listening to Will Monaghan and Hayley Grafton’s deep dive into regional digital transformation. They described how eight trusts are working together to create a single, enabling, digital infrastructure across the East Midlands.

This ambitious vision is underpinned by our next-generation EPR. When Paul Volkaerts took to the stage, he explained how Nervecentre’s modern technology will enable 10,000+ hospital beds to share one cloud platform – with the ultimate goal of seamless patient record sharing across the NHS.

The reality of provider collaboration was brought to life by digital leaders at acute trusts: James Hawkins from York and Scarborough, Jon Cort from Chesterfield, and Hayley Grafton from Derby and Burton. Their discussion highlighted the critical importance of trust, transparency, and maintaining a big-picture perspective when multiple trusts work together.

Away from the insightful sessions, our exhibition stand was buzzing! We were delighted to show how the world of EPRs has changed with non-stop back-to-back demonstrations.

It’s clear that collaboration is key, and we’re proud to be part of this transformative journey.

Nervecentre Rewired 25 Highlights