For a quick reference to accessing our support services, please refer to our “Nervecentre Support at a glance” Guide. Upon calling you will be asked for a priority, which will determine how we respond to the incident. You will be asked to prioritise your need as follows:
Priority 1 – Total service outage, with no workaround, which is impacting a service which is in active use.
Priority 2 – Significant degradation of an existing service on a large scale – for instance affecting more than 20% of users/devices.
Priority 3 – Operational performance of an existing service is impaired or significantly degraded on a small scale – for instance for fewer than 20% of users/devices.
Priority 4 – Non-service affecting issues, questions or requests.
Nervecentre will answer support calls from either ICT or clinical staff that require assistance. Prior to calling you should have raised a support case with your local ICT team, and you will be asked for the support case number and an ICT contact that we can work with to help resolve any issue that you have.